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نوع المصدر
Monograph (17940)
UNODC Publication (695)
as (268)
Report (127)
Dictionary (112)
Article (102)
am (87)
Monograph softcover (65)
Map (37)
Reference material (36)
Periodical (33)
Conference (22)
CD-ROM (19)
Pamphlets/Leaflets (18)
Teaching materials, manuals (15)
Book (14)
DVD (13)
eResource (7)
E-link (5)
Journal softcover (3)
Bibliographie (2)
Serials (2)
أظهر المزيد
UN. Division of Narcotic Drugs (787)
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (707)
United States. Public Health Service. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) (264)
National Institute on Drug Abuse (167)
World Health Organization (WHO) (151)
United Nations (104)
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime [UNODC] (97)
United States. Department of Justice. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) (82)
International Narcotics Control Board (63)
UN Office on Drugs and Crime (62)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (34th sess. : 1991 : Vienna) (59)
Council of Europe (57)
United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNDCP) (57)
World Health Organization (56)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (29th sess. : 1981 : Vienna) (55)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (8th special sess. : 1984 : Vienna) (55)
United Nations Information Service (UNIS) (54)
World Health Organization (WHO)_ (51)
United States. Public Health Service (50)
Customs Co-operation Council (CCC) (49)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (33rd sess. : 1989 : Vienna) (46)
Interpol. General Secretariat. Drugs Sub-Division (45)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (30th sess. : 1983 : Vienna) (45)
Schultes, R.E (42)
OECD (39)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (35th sess. : 1992 : Vienna) (38)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (11th special sess. : 1990 : Vienna) (36)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (6th special sess. : 1980 : Vienna) (36)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (27th sess. : 1977 : Geneva) (35)
United States. Department of Justice. Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD) (35)
UN. Secretariat (34)
UN. Division of Narcotic Drugs. ASRTAS (33)
European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (32)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (7th special sess. : 1982 : Vienna) (32)
Bassiouni, M. Cherif (31)
Global Youth Network (31)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (5th special sess. : 1978 : Vienna) (30)
United Kingdom. Institute for the Study of Drug Dependence (ISDD) (30)
Ramanathan, V.S (29)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (9th special sess. : 1986 : Vienna) (29)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (31st sess. : 1985 : Vienna) (28)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (32nd sess. : 1987 : Vienna) (28)
Canada. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) (26)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (10th special sess. : 1988 : Vienna) (25)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (32nd session : 1987 : Vienna) (24)
Unesco (24)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (24)
World Bank (24)
Organizacion de los Estados Americanos. Comision Interamericana para el Control del Abuso de Drogas (CICAD) (23)
Inciardi, J.A (22)
International Fire Service Training Association (22)
National Geographic Society (22)
Salemink, C.A (22)
Turner, C.E (22)
UN. General Assembly (44th sess. : 1989 : New York) (22)
United States (22)
Reuter, P (21)
Hanus, L (20)
International Federation of Consulting Engineers (20)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (26th sess. : 1975 : Geneva) (20)
Mahlberg, P.G (19)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (28th sess. : 1979 : Geneva) (19)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (31st Session : 1985 : Vienna) (19)
UN Social Defence Research Institute (UNSDRI) (19)
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) (18)
INTERPOL. General Secretariat. Drugs Sub-Division (18)
Organization of American States. Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (2nd sess. : 1987 : Washington, D.C.) (18)
OSCE, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (18)
Thailand (18)
UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (18)
Conseil international de la langue francaise (17)
Mule, S.J (17)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (9th special sess.: 1986 : Vienna) (17)
UN. Economic and Social Council. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (17)
UN. Office for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (17)
United States. Department of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Office of Applied Studies (17)
Clarke, E.G.C (16)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (3rd special sess. : 1974 : Geneva) (16)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (4th special sess. : 1976 : Geneva) (16)
WHO Regional Office for Europe (EURO) (16)
Chawla, Sandeep (15)
International Council on Alcohol and Addictions (ICAA) (15)
Krejci, Z (15)
Netherlands. Nederlands Congresgebouw (1985 : the Hague) (15)
UN. Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (15)
UN. General Assembly (17th special sess. : 1990 : New York) (15)
UN Institute for Disarmament Research (15)
United Nations International Drug Control Programme (15)
UNODC (15)
Bisogno, Enrico (14)
Gutierrez-Noriega, C (14)
Hong Kong. Government Secretariat. Narcotics Division (14)
International Law Commission. Secretariat (14)
Jandl, Michael (14)
Jayasuriya, D.C (14)
Me, Angela (14)
Mexico. Office of the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR) (14)
Reiterer, Felix (14)
Shulgin, A.T (14)
The World Bank (14)
UN. Department of Economic and Social Affairs (14)
United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (14)
United States. Department of Health and Human Services. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) (14)
Committee on Problems of Drug Dependence (U.S.) (13)
Eddy, N.B (13)
Gough, T.A (13)
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (13)
International Labour Office (13)
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (13)
Lettieri, Dan J (13)
National Institute of Justice (U.S.) (13)
National Institute on Drug Abuse. Division of Research (13)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (36th sess. : 1993 : Vienna) (13)
UN. Economic and Social Council (1991, 1st sess., resumed : New York) (13)
Aromaa, Kauko (12)
Bailey, K (12)
Block, W (12)
Bruhn, J.G (12)
Carballo, Lucia Motolinia (12)
Commission of the European Communities (12)
Gossop, M (12)
International Organization for Migration (12)
Jong, A.W.K. de (12)
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (12)
UN. Commission of Narcotic Drugs (10th special sess. : 1988 : Vienna) (12)
UN. General Assembly (47th sess. : 1992 : New York) (12)
UN International Drug Control Programme. Afghanistan Country Office (12)
UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) (12)
United States. Department of Agriculture (12)
Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario (11)
American Correctional Association (11)
Arif, A (11)
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (11)
Fairbairn, J.W (11)
Grlic, L (11)
Hughes, P.H (11)
International Council on Alcohol and Addictions (11)
International Peace Institute (11)
Khan, I (11)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (24th sess. : 1971 : Geneva) (11)
United Kingdom. Office of the National Drugs Intelligence Unit (NDIU) (11)
United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) (11)
United Nations Secretariat (11)
United States. Congress. House of Representatives (11)
United States. Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs. Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) (11)
United States. General Accounting Office (GAO) (11)
Acuerdo Sudamericano Sobre Estupefacientes y Psicotropicos (ASEP). Secretaria Permanente (10)
Australia (10)
Baker, P.B (10)
Cone, E.J (10)
Farmilo, C.G (10)
Gentner, W.A (10)
Humphreys, I.J (10)
Institute for the Study of Drug Dependence (10)
International Criminal Police Organization. General Secretariat. Drugs Sub-Division (10)
INTERPOL. General Secretariat (10)
Johnston, L.D (10)
Kalix, P (10)
Nadelmann, E.A (10)
Pakistan. Pakistan Narcotics Control Board (PNCB) (10)
Rasmussen, K.E (10)
Shellard, J (10)
Smart, R.G (10)
Terrorism Prevention Branch (10)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (25th sess. : 1973 : Geneva) (10)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (4th special sess. : 1990 : Vienna) (10)
UN. Economic and Social Council (1990, 1st sess. : New York) (10)
United Nations Office at Vienna (10)
United Nations Social Defence Research Institute (UNSDRI) (10)
Zvekic, Ugljesa (10)
Austin, Gregory A (9)
Australia. Commonwealth Department of Community Services and Health (9)
Babayan, E.A (9)
Centre de ressources et d'information sur les multimédias pour l'enseignement supérieur (CERIMES) (9)
Colombia. Ministerio de Salud (9)
Dorn, N (9)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (9)
Holmstedt, B (9)
Hong Kong (9)
IBRD (9)
Japan. National Police Agency (9)
Kovar, K.A (9)
Moore, J.M (9)
National Institute on Drug Abuse. Services Research Branch (9)
Oxford University Press (9)
Pakistan. Directorate of Intelligence. Pakistan Narcotics Control Board (PNCB) (9)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (29th sess. : 1979 : Geneva) (9)
UN. Division on Narcotic Drugs (9)
UN. General Assembly (46th sess. : 1991 : New York) (9)
United States. Treasury Department (9)
Weiss, Thomas George (9)
WHO Scientific Group on Progress in Methodology of Evaluation of Dependence Liability of Drugs (1974 : Geneva) (9)
Wodak, A (9)
Adams, Barbara (8)
Agurell, S (8)
Australia. Australian Federal Police (AFP) (8)
Canada (8)
Caulkins, J.P (8)
Coffman, C.B (8)
Council of Europe. Committee of Ministers (8)
Coutts, R.T (8)
Editeur : Université de tous les savoirs (8)
European Commission (8)
European Committee on Crime Problems (8)
Flueck, H (8)
Fraser, H.F (8)
Ginsburg, D (8)
Glennon, R.A (8)
Harris, Louis S (8)
Hofmann, A (8)
India. Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) (8)
International Organization for Standardization (8)
Joutsen, Matti (8)
Kapadia, G.J (8)
Merriam-Webster, Inc (8)
Morris, Lynn Lyons (8)
Navaratnam, V (8)
Nordal, A (8)
Novak, J (8)
Plowman, T (8)
Preininger, V (8)
Producteur : La Mission 2000 en France (8)
Snyder, S.H (8)
UN (8)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (8)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (245h sess. : 1971 : Geneva) (8)
UN. Economic and Social Council (1985, 1st sess. : New York) (8)
UN. General Assembly (45th sess. : 1990 : New York) (8)
UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (8)
UNDP (8)
United Nations Development Programme (8)
United States. Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration (8)
United States. Department of State. Bureau of International Narcotics Matters (BINM) (8)
Vaille, C (8)
[With funding from the European Union] (8)
Wolff, P.O (8)
Archibald, H.D (7)
Australia. Dept. of Health, Housing, Local Government and Community Services (7)
Austria. Bundesministerium fuer Inneres (7)
Bachman, J.G (7)
Baselt, R.C (7)
Bayer, I (7)
Brochmann-Hanssen, E (7)
Burger, A (7)
China (7)
Customs Cooperation Council (CCC) (7)
DeRuiter, J (7)
Fitz-Gibbon, Carol Taylor (7)
Garner, Bryan A (7)
Gill, R (7)
Goodson, Carl (7)
Houston Economic Summit. Chemical Action Task Force (CATF) (7)
Inciardi, James A (7)
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) (7)
Iversen, Leslie L (7)
Iversen, L.L (7)
Iversen, S.D (7)
Nakahara, Y (7)
National Geographic Society (United States) (7)
Netherlands (7)
Noggle, F.T (7)
Nyman, U (7)
Office des Nations Unies contre la drogue et le crime (7)
O'Malley, P.M (7)
Rey, Alain (7)
Santavy, F (7)
UN. Department of Public Information (7)
UN. Economic and Social Council (1987, 1st sess. : New York) (7)
UN. Economic and Social Council (1988, 1st sess. : New York) (7)
UN. General Assembly (45th sess. : 1990-1991 : New York) (7)
UN. Office for Outer Space Affairs (7)
United Kingdom (7)
United Kingdom. Home Office. Central Research Establishment (HOCRE) (7)
United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNIDCP) (7)
United States. Bureau of Justice Statistics (7)
United States. General Accounting Office (7)
University of New South Wales. Social Policy Research Centre (7)
Verpoorte, R (7)
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations (7)
World Health Assembly (45th : Geneva). Committee A (7)
Zhao, Bingzhi (7)
Alam, M.Z (6)
Anslinger, H.J (6)
Australia. Commonwealth Department of Health (6)
Avico, U (6)
Bachman, Jerald G (6)
Berridge, V (6)
Black, Henry Campbell (6)
Bognar, R (6)
Boutros-Ghali, Boutros (6)
Brakhage, Cynthia (6)
Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (6)
Cassese, Antonio (6)
Chatterjee, S.K (6)
Chopra, R.N (6)
Clark, C.R (6)
Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control. European Station (6)
Conseil de cooperation douaniere (CCD) (6)
Conseil de l'Europe (6)
Council of Europe. European Committee on Crime Problems (6)
Crombie, L (6)
Customs Co-operation Council (6)
Doorenbos, N.J (6)
European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (6)
European Union (6)
Facy, F (6)
Fagan, J (6)
Fahlman, R.C (6)
Foltz, R.L (6)
Ghodse, H (6)
Goris, A (6)
Hall, W (6)
Heiskanen, Markku (6)
Hong Kong. Action Committee Against Narcotics (ACAN) (6)
Hong Kong. Correctional Services Department (6)
Institute for Security Studies (South Africa) (6)
International Association of Penal Law (6)
International Chamber of Commerce (6)
International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme (ISPAC) (6)
Interpol. General Secretariat (6)
Italy. Ministry of Interior. Central Antidrug Department (6)
Iversen, Susan D (6)
Kangaspunta, Kristiina (6)
Leroy, B (6)
Ludford, Jacqueline P (6)
Malaysia. Prime Minister's Department. National Security Council. Anti Dadah Task Force (6)
Oehrner, B (6)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (6)
O'Malley, Patrick M (6)
Park, J (6)
Passas, Nikos (6)
Platt, J.J (6)
Republic of Korea. Ministry of Health and Social Affairs (6)
Reuter, Peter (6)
South, Nigel (6)
Strang, J (6)
Stromberg, L (6)
Tylden, E (6)
UN. Commision on Narcotic Drugs (25th sess. : 1973 : Geneva) (6)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (10th special sess. : 1988 : Vienna) (6)
UN. Division of Narcotic Drugs. Applied Scientific Research and Technical Information Section (6)
UN. Economic and Social Council (1982, 1st sess. : New York) (6)
UN. Economic and Social Council (1989, 1st sess. : New York) (6)
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (6)
United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (6)
United Nations Office for Drug control and Crime prevention. Centre for international crime prevention, Vienna (6)
United Nations Social Defense Research Institute (UNSDRI) (6)
United States Pharmacopeial Convention (6)
UNODC Statistics and Surveys Section (SASS) (6)
van Duyne, Petrus C (6)
von Lampe, Klaus (6)
Albanese, Jay S (5)
Albrecht, Hans-Jörg (5)
Alcaraz Varó, Enrique (5)
Allen, A.C (5)
American Society of Criminology (5)
Australian Institute of Criminology (5)
Baalbaki, Munir (5)
Baker, O (5)
Bensussan, I.J (5)
Boister, Neil (5)
Bolivia (5)
Braenden, O.J (5)
Caddy, B (5)
Cameron, D.C (5)
Canada. Supply and Services Canada (5)
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France) (5)
Co-operation Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs (Pompidou Group) (5)
Coicaud, Jean-Marc (5)
Connell, P.H (5)
Council of Europe. Directorate of Legal Affairs (5)
Council of Europe Multidisciplinary Symposium on Drug Dependence (1972 : Strasbourg) (5)
Council of the European Communities (5)
Country Office Pakistan (5)
Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation (Uppsala, Sweden) (5)
Diding, N. (et al) (5)
Documentation Associates (5)
Documentation Associates Information Services Incorporated (5)
Edwards, G (5)
Elsohly, M.A (5)
Eser, Albin (5)
Europol (5)
Farrell, M (5)
Fowler, H. W (5)
Ghodse, Hamid (5)
Gold, M.S (5)
Goldstein, A (5)
Grabowski, John (5)
Griffith, I.L (5)
Hawks, Richard L (5)
Hayashi, Y (5)
ILO (5)
Ingold, F.R (5)
International Anti-Corruption Academy (5)
International Committee of the Red Cross (5)
International Labour Organization (ILO) (5)
International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) (5)
International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation (5)
International Scientific and Technological Conference on Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (1973 : Paris) (5)
Isbell, H (5)
Italy. Ministry of Health. Drug Abuse and AIDs Department (5)
Japan (5)
Japan. National Police Agency (NPA) (5)
Japp, M (5)
Kelly, Robert J (5)
Kleber, H.D (5)
Krasnegor, Norman A (5)
Legault, D (5)
Lennox, Thomas (5)
Lerner, M (5)
Leukefeld, Carl G (5)
Levi, L (5)
Levie, Howard S (5)
Mather, L.E (5)
Mathias, R (5)
Mothes, K (5)
Nahas, G.G (5)
National Geographic Society (U.S.) (5)
National Institute on Drug Abuse. Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research (5)
Nevala, Sami (5)
Noirfalise, A (5)
Police Executive Research Forum (5)
Redo, Sławomir M (5)
République du Bénin (5)
Scherpenzeel, Richard (5)
Smith, R.N (5)
Szendrei, K (5)
Thailand. Chulalongkorn University. Institute of Health Research (IHR) (5)
Tims, Frank M (5)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (9th special sess. : 1986) (5)
UN. General Assembly (47th sess. : 1993 : new York) (5)
United Kingdom. Home Office (5)
United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control (UNFDAC) (5)
United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner (5)
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) (5)
United States. The National Narcotics Intelligence Consumers Committee (NNICC) (5)
Verebey, K (5)
WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence (1969 : Geneva) (5)
Adobe Systems (4)
Aiken, Leona S (4)
Alexander, Yonah (4)
Alston, Philip (4)
American Bar Association (4)
Asuni, T (4)
Atkins, Beryl T (4)
Ausetts, Mary Ann (4)
Australia. Commonwealth Department of Health. Drugs of Depandence Branch (4)
Ball, J.C (4)
Battjes, Robert (4)
Bingzhi, Zhao (4)
Block, Alan A (4)
Brenneisen, R (4)
Bucknell, P (4)
Bukoski, William J (4)
Bukoski, W.J (4)
Canada. Addiction Research Foundation (4)
Canada. Addiction Research Foundation (ARF) (4)
Casy, A.F (4)
Chan, K (4)
Chiang, C. Nora (4)
Christophersen, A.S (4)
Clayton, R.R (4)
Cohen, S (4)
Colombia (4)
Cooper, D.A (4)
Council of Europe. Cooperation Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs (Pompidou Group) (4)
Curran, W.J (4)
Curry, A.S (4)
Das, Dilip K (4)
Davies, J.B (4)
DESA (4)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (4)
Djipa, Dino (4)
Dorn, Nicholas (4)
Drucker, E (4)
Duyne, Petrus C. van (4)
Erickson, P.G (4)
Espe, E (4)
European Communities (4)
European Space Agency (4)
Fazey, C (4)
Ferguson, Patricia (4)
Fijnaut, Cyrille (4)
Fischer, R (4)
Fortney, Jeff (4)
France (4)
Franke, J.P (4)
Friedlander, Robert A (4)
Frischer, M (4)
Gielsdorf, W (4)
Ginguay, Michel (4)
Glenny, Misha (4)
Gorecki, P (4)
Grabosky, Peter N (4)
أظهر المزيد
2024 (10)
2023 (31)
2022 (75)
2021 (62)
2020 (33)
2019 (48)
2018 (58)
2017 (108)
2016 (110)
2015 (225)
2014 (158)
2013 (175)
2012 (181)
2011 (220)
2010 (235)
2009 (283)
2008 (274)
2007 (280)
2006 (251)
2005 (226)
2004 (217)
2003 (241)
2002 (183)
2001 (150)
2000 (158)
1999 (173)
1998 (310)
1997 (313)
1996 (337)
1995 (363)
1994 (296)
1993 (332)
1992 (330)
1991 (288)
1990 (413)
1989 (348)
1988 (372)
1987 (439)
1986 (339)
1985 (326)
1984 (267)
1983 (265)
1982 (243)
1981 (265)
1980 (280)
1979 (215)
1978 (231)
1977 (176)
1976 (178)
1975 (156)
1974 (124)
1973 (118)
1972 (101)
1971 (62)
1970 (68)
1969 (70)
1968 (49)
1967 (42)
1966 (24)
1965 (27)
1964 (28)
1963 (28)
1962 (36)
1961 (28)
1960 (25)
1959 (21)
1958 (32)
1957 (24)
1956 (17)
1955 (21)
1954 (18)
1953 (24)
1952 (9)
1951 (17)
1950 (9)
1949 (6)
1948 (7)
1947 (11)
1946 (8)
1945 (1)
1943 (2)
1942 (2)
1941 (3)
1940 (4)
1939 (7)
1938 (4)
1937 (2)
1936 (1)
1935 (3)
1934 (1)
1933 (1)
1932 (1)
1931 (4)
1930 (2)
1929 (2)
1928 (3)
1927 (2)
1925 (2)
1924 (1)
1923 (2)
1922 (1)
1899 (1)
1895 (1)
1881 (1)
1875 (1)
1874 (1)
1843 (1)
1073 (1)
أظهر المزيد
United Nations Library (19443)
UNCITRAL Law Library (27)
CTBTO Library (3)
English (14126)
French (1262)
Spanish (800)
German (424)
Arabic (188)
Russian (176)
Chinese (172)
Italian (77)
Multiple languages (54)
Portuguese (28)
engfre (19)
chieng (17)
Dutch; Flemish (15)
ch (10)
Japanese (10)
Polish (10)
engfrespa (9)
engspa (8)
mulengfre (6)
engrus (5)
Swedish (5)
Turkish (5)
arachiengfrerusspa (4)
araeng (4)
engfrerusspa (4)
Korean (4)
spaeng (4)
Thai (4)
Albanian (3)
araengfre (3)
freeng (3)
gereng (3)
mulengara (3)
Azerbaijani (2)
BKS (2)
Central Khmer (2)
Danish (2)
engarachifrerusspa (2)
engfrerus (2)
engger (2)
Finnish (2)
frespa (2)
Greek, Modern (1453-) (2)
Hebrew (2)
mularachiengfrerusspa (2)
mularaeng (2)
mulengfrespa (2)
serbian (2)
Slovak (2)
Urdu (2)
arachiengrusspa (1)
araengfrespa (1)
araengrus (1)
arafre (1)
BELG (1)
Bosnian (1)
BRAZ (1)
Bulgarian (1)
CGUApa (1)
chie (1)
cro (1)
Czech (1)
deu (1)
different languages (1)
eng, fre, spa (1)
eng, fre, spa, ita, dut, ger (1)
eng, fre, spa, rus, ara, chi (1)
engara (1)
engarafre (1)
engchi (1)
engfrespageritapor (1)
enggerfre (1)
enghun (1)
engita (1)
engjpn (1)
engpol (1)
engrusbul (1)
fra (1)
freara (1)
frerus (1)
Georgian (1)
gerdut (1)
gerengfre (1)
gerfre (1)
gerspa (1)
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) (1)
Hungarian (1)
In French (1)
Indonesian (1)
it (1)
Lao (1)
Latin (1)
Malagasy (1)
mularachinengfrerusspajaplaoporvie (1)
mulengfrespager (1)
mulengger (1)
mulengper (1)
mulengspa (1)
mulgerita (1)
mulitager (1)
mulspager (1)
Norwegian (1)
polger (1)
Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan (1)
rusger (1)
russ (1)
russpa (1)
scc (1)
ser (1)
sp (1)
spa, eng (1)
usbek (1)
uzbek (1)
أظهر المزيد
نوع المصدر
Monograph (17940)
UNODC Publication (695)
as (268)
Report (127)
Dictionary (112)
Article (102)
am (87)
Monograph softcover (65)
Map (37)
Reference material (36)
Periodical (33)
Conference (22)
CD-ROM (19)
Pamphlets/Leaflets (18)
Teaching materials, manuals (15)
Book (14)
DVD (13)
eResource (7)
E-link (5)
Journal softcover (3)
Bibliographie (2)
Serials (2)
أظهر المزيد
UN. Division of Narcotic Drugs (787)
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (707)
United States. Public Health Service. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) (264)
National Institute on Drug Abuse (167)
World Health Organization (WHO) (151)
United Nations (104)
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime [UNODC] (97)
United States. Department of Justice. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) (82)
International Narcotics Control Board (63)
UN Office on Drugs and Crime (62)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (34th sess. : 1991 : Vienna) (59)
Council of Europe (57)
United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNDCP) (57)
World Health Organization (56)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (29th sess. : 1981 : Vienna) (55)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (8th special sess. : 1984 : Vienna) (55)
United Nations Information Service (UNIS) (54)
World Health Organization (WHO)_ (51)
United States. Public Health Service (50)
Customs Co-operation Council (CCC) (49)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (33rd sess. : 1989 : Vienna) (46)
Interpol. General Secretariat. Drugs Sub-Division (45)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (30th sess. : 1983 : Vienna) (45)
Schultes, R.E (42)
OECD (39)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (35th sess. : 1992 : Vienna) (38)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (11th special sess. : 1990 : Vienna) (36)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (6th special sess. : 1980 : Vienna) (36)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (27th sess. : 1977 : Geneva) (35)
United States. Department of Justice. Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD) (35)
UN. Secretariat (34)
UN. Division of Narcotic Drugs. ASRTAS (33)
European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (32)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (7th special sess. : 1982 : Vienna) (32)
Bassiouni, M. Cherif (31)
Global Youth Network (31)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (5th special sess. : 1978 : Vienna) (30)
United Kingdom. Institute for the Study of Drug Dependence (ISDD) (30)
Ramanathan, V.S (29)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (9th special sess. : 1986 : Vienna) (29)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (31st sess. : 1985 : Vienna) (28)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (32nd sess. : 1987 : Vienna) (28)
Canada. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) (26)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (10th special sess. : 1988 : Vienna) (25)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (32nd session : 1987 : Vienna) (24)
Unesco (24)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (24)
World Bank (24)
Organizacion de los Estados Americanos. Comision Interamericana para el Control del Abuso de Drogas (CICAD) (23)
Inciardi, J.A (22)
International Fire Service Training Association (22)
National Geographic Society (22)
Salemink, C.A (22)
Turner, C.E (22)
UN. General Assembly (44th sess. : 1989 : New York) (22)
United States (22)
Reuter, P (21)
Hanus, L (20)
International Federation of Consulting Engineers (20)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (26th sess. : 1975 : Geneva) (20)
Mahlberg, P.G (19)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (28th sess. : 1979 : Geneva) (19)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (31st Session : 1985 : Vienna) (19)
UN Social Defence Research Institute (UNSDRI) (19)
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) (18)
INTERPOL. General Secretariat. Drugs Sub-Division (18)
Organization of American States. Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (2nd sess. : 1987 : Washington, D.C.) (18)
OSCE, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (18)
Thailand (18)
UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (18)
Conseil international de la langue francaise (17)
Mule, S.J (17)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (9th special sess.: 1986 : Vienna) (17)
UN. Economic and Social Council. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (17)
UN. Office for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (17)
United States. Department of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Office of Applied Studies (17)
Clarke, E.G.C (16)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (3rd special sess. : 1974 : Geneva) (16)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (4th special sess. : 1976 : Geneva) (16)
WHO Regional Office for Europe (EURO) (16)
Chawla, Sandeep (15)
International Council on Alcohol and Addictions (ICAA) (15)
Krejci, Z (15)
Netherlands. Nederlands Congresgebouw (1985 : the Hague) (15)
UN. Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (15)
UN. General Assembly (17th special sess. : 1990 : New York) (15)
UN Institute for Disarmament Research (15)
United Nations International Drug Control Programme (15)
UNODC (15)
Bisogno, Enrico (14)
Gutierrez-Noriega, C (14)
Hong Kong. Government Secretariat. Narcotics Division (14)
International Law Commission. Secretariat (14)
Jandl, Michael (14)
Jayasuriya, D.C (14)
Me, Angela (14)
Mexico. Office of the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR) (14)
Reiterer, Felix (14)
Shulgin, A.T (14)
The World Bank (14)
UN. Department of Economic and Social Affairs (14)
United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (14)
United States. Department of Health and Human Services. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) (14)
Committee on Problems of Drug Dependence (U.S.) (13)
Eddy, N.B (13)
Gough, T.A (13)
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (13)
International Labour Office (13)
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (13)
Lettieri, Dan J (13)
National Institute of Justice (U.S.) (13)
National Institute on Drug Abuse. Division of Research (13)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (36th sess. : 1993 : Vienna) (13)
UN. Economic and Social Council (1991, 1st sess., resumed : New York) (13)
Aromaa, Kauko (12)
Bailey, K (12)
Block, W (12)
Bruhn, J.G (12)
Carballo, Lucia Motolinia (12)
Commission of the European Communities (12)
Gossop, M (12)
International Organization for Migration (12)
Jong, A.W.K. de (12)
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (12)
UN. Commission of Narcotic Drugs (10th special sess. : 1988 : Vienna) (12)
UN. General Assembly (47th sess. : 1992 : New York) (12)
UN International Drug Control Programme. Afghanistan Country Office (12)
UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) (12)
United States. Department of Agriculture (12)
Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario (11)
American Correctional Association (11)
Arif, A (11)
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (11)
Fairbairn, J.W (11)
Grlic, L (11)
Hughes, P.H (11)
International Council on Alcohol and Addictions (11)
International Peace Institute (11)
Khan, I (11)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (24th sess. : 1971 : Geneva) (11)
United Kingdom. Office of the National Drugs Intelligence Unit (NDIU) (11)
United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) (11)
United Nations Secretariat (11)
United States. Congress. House of Representatives (11)
United States. Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs. Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) (11)
United States. General Accounting Office (GAO) (11)
Acuerdo Sudamericano Sobre Estupefacientes y Psicotropicos (ASEP). Secretaria Permanente (10)
Australia (10)
Baker, P.B (10)
Cone, E.J (10)
Farmilo, C.G (10)
Gentner, W.A (10)
Humphreys, I.J (10)
Institute for the Study of Drug Dependence (10)
International Criminal Police Organization. General Secretariat. Drugs Sub-Division (10)
INTERPOL. General Secretariat (10)
Johnston, L.D (10)
Kalix, P (10)
Nadelmann, E.A (10)
Pakistan. Pakistan Narcotics Control Board (PNCB) (10)
Rasmussen, K.E (10)
Shellard, J (10)
Smart, R.G (10)
Terrorism Prevention Branch (10)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (25th sess. : 1973 : Geneva) (10)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (4th special sess. : 1990 : Vienna) (10)
UN. Economic and Social Council (1990, 1st sess. : New York) (10)
United Nations Office at Vienna (10)
United Nations Social Defence Research Institute (UNSDRI) (10)
Zvekic, Ugljesa (10)
Austin, Gregory A (9)
Australia. Commonwealth Department of Community Services and Health (9)
Babayan, E.A (9)
Centre de ressources et d'information sur les multimédias pour l'enseignement supérieur (CERIMES) (9)
Colombia. Ministerio de Salud (9)
Dorn, N (9)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (9)
Holmstedt, B (9)
Hong Kong (9)
IBRD (9)
Japan. National Police Agency (9)
Kovar, K.A (9)
Moore, J.M (9)
National Institute on Drug Abuse. Services Research Branch (9)
Oxford University Press (9)
Pakistan. Directorate of Intelligence. Pakistan Narcotics Control Board (PNCB) (9)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (29th sess. : 1979 : Geneva) (9)
UN. Division on Narcotic Drugs (9)
UN. General Assembly (46th sess. : 1991 : New York) (9)
United States. Treasury Department (9)
Weiss, Thomas George (9)
WHO Scientific Group on Progress in Methodology of Evaluation of Dependence Liability of Drugs (1974 : Geneva) (9)
Wodak, A (9)
Adams, Barbara (8)
Agurell, S (8)
Australia. Australian Federal Police (AFP) (8)
Canada (8)
Caulkins, J.P (8)
Coffman, C.B (8)
Council of Europe. Committee of Ministers (8)
Coutts, R.T (8)
Editeur : Université de tous les savoirs (8)
European Commission (8)
European Committee on Crime Problems (8)
Flueck, H (8)
Fraser, H.F (8)
Ginsburg, D (8)
Glennon, R.A (8)
Harris, Louis S (8)
Hofmann, A (8)
India. Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) (8)
International Organization for Standardization (8)
Joutsen, Matti (8)
Kapadia, G.J (8)
Merriam-Webster, Inc (8)
Morris, Lynn Lyons (8)
Navaratnam, V (8)
Nordal, A (8)
Novak, J (8)
Plowman, T (8)
Preininger, V (8)
Producteur : La Mission 2000 en France (8)
Snyder, S.H (8)
UN (8)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (8)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (245h sess. : 1971 : Geneva) (8)
UN. Economic and Social Council (1985, 1st sess. : New York) (8)
UN. General Assembly (45th sess. : 1990 : New York) (8)
UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (8)
UNDP (8)
United Nations Development Programme (8)
United States. Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration (8)
United States. Department of State. Bureau of International Narcotics Matters (BINM) (8)
Vaille, C (8)
[With funding from the European Union] (8)
Wolff, P.O (8)
Archibald, H.D (7)
Australia. Dept. of Health, Housing, Local Government and Community Services (7)
Austria. Bundesministerium fuer Inneres (7)
Bachman, J.G (7)
Baselt, R.C (7)
Bayer, I (7)
Brochmann-Hanssen, E (7)
Burger, A (7)
China (7)
Customs Cooperation Council (CCC) (7)
DeRuiter, J (7)
Fitz-Gibbon, Carol Taylor (7)
Garner, Bryan A (7)
Gill, R (7)
Goodson, Carl (7)
Houston Economic Summit. Chemical Action Task Force (CATF) (7)
Inciardi, James A (7)
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) (7)
Iversen, Leslie L (7)
Iversen, L.L (7)
Iversen, S.D (7)
Nakahara, Y (7)
National Geographic Society (United States) (7)
Netherlands (7)
Noggle, F.T (7)
Nyman, U (7)
Office des Nations Unies contre la drogue et le crime (7)
O'Malley, P.M (7)
Rey, Alain (7)
Santavy, F (7)
UN. Department of Public Information (7)
UN. Economic and Social Council (1987, 1st sess. : New York) (7)
UN. Economic and Social Council (1988, 1st sess. : New York) (7)
UN. General Assembly (45th sess. : 1990-1991 : New York) (7)
UN. Office for Outer Space Affairs (7)
United Kingdom (7)
United Kingdom. Home Office. Central Research Establishment (HOCRE) (7)
United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNIDCP) (7)
United States. Bureau of Justice Statistics (7)
United States. General Accounting Office (7)
University of New South Wales. Social Policy Research Centre (7)
Verpoorte, R (7)
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations (7)
World Health Assembly (45th : Geneva). Committee A (7)
Zhao, Bingzhi (7)
Alam, M.Z (6)
Anslinger, H.J (6)
Australia. Commonwealth Department of Health (6)
Avico, U (6)
Bachman, Jerald G (6)
Berridge, V (6)
Black, Henry Campbell (6)
Bognar, R (6)
Boutros-Ghali, Boutros (6)
Brakhage, Cynthia (6)
Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (6)
Cassese, Antonio (6)
Chatterjee, S.K (6)
Chopra, R.N (6)
Clark, C.R (6)
Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control. European Station (6)
Conseil de cooperation douaniere (CCD) (6)
Conseil de l'Europe (6)
Council of Europe. European Committee on Crime Problems (6)
Crombie, L (6)
Customs Co-operation Council (6)
Doorenbos, N.J (6)
European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (6)
European Union (6)
Facy, F (6)
Fagan, J (6)
Fahlman, R.C (6)
Foltz, R.L (6)
Ghodse, H (6)
Goris, A (6)
Hall, W (6)
Heiskanen, Markku (6)
Hong Kong. Action Committee Against Narcotics (ACAN) (6)
Hong Kong. Correctional Services Department (6)
Institute for Security Studies (South Africa) (6)
International Association of Penal Law (6)
International Chamber of Commerce (6)
International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme (ISPAC) (6)
Interpol. General Secretariat (6)
Italy. Ministry of Interior. Central Antidrug Department (6)
Iversen, Susan D (6)
Kangaspunta, Kristiina (6)
Leroy, B (6)
Ludford, Jacqueline P (6)
Malaysia. Prime Minister's Department. National Security Council. Anti Dadah Task Force (6)
Oehrner, B (6)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (6)
O'Malley, Patrick M (6)
Park, J (6)
Passas, Nikos (6)
Platt, J.J (6)
Republic of Korea. Ministry of Health and Social Affairs (6)
Reuter, Peter (6)
South, Nigel (6)
Strang, J (6)
Stromberg, L (6)
Tylden, E (6)
UN. Commision on Narcotic Drugs (25th sess. : 1973 : Geneva) (6)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (10th special sess. : 1988 : Vienna) (6)
UN. Division of Narcotic Drugs. Applied Scientific Research and Technical Information Section (6)
UN. Economic and Social Council (1982, 1st sess. : New York) (6)
UN. Economic and Social Council (1989, 1st sess. : New York) (6)
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (6)
United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (6)
United Nations Office for Drug control and Crime prevention. Centre for international crime prevention, Vienna (6)
United Nations Social Defense Research Institute (UNSDRI) (6)
United States Pharmacopeial Convention (6)
UNODC Statistics and Surveys Section (SASS) (6)
van Duyne, Petrus C (6)
von Lampe, Klaus (6)
Albanese, Jay S (5)
Albrecht, Hans-Jörg (5)
Alcaraz Varó, Enrique (5)
Allen, A.C (5)
American Society of Criminology (5)
Australian Institute of Criminology (5)
Baalbaki, Munir (5)
Baker, O (5)
Bensussan, I.J (5)
Boister, Neil (5)
Bolivia (5)
Braenden, O.J (5)
Caddy, B (5)
Cameron, D.C (5)
Canada. Supply and Services Canada (5)
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France) (5)
Co-operation Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs (Pompidou Group) (5)
Coicaud, Jean-Marc (5)
Connell, P.H (5)
Council of Europe. Directorate of Legal Affairs (5)
Council of Europe Multidisciplinary Symposium on Drug Dependence (1972 : Strasbourg) (5)
Council of the European Communities (5)
Country Office Pakistan (5)
Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation (Uppsala, Sweden) (5)
Diding, N. (et al) (5)
Documentation Associates (5)
Documentation Associates Information Services Incorporated (5)
Edwards, G (5)
Elsohly, M.A (5)
Eser, Albin (5)
Europol (5)
Farrell, M (5)
Fowler, H. W (5)
Ghodse, Hamid (5)
Gold, M.S (5)
Goldstein, A (5)
Grabowski, John (5)
Griffith, I.L (5)
Hawks, Richard L (5)
Hayashi, Y (5)
ILO (5)
Ingold, F.R (5)
International Anti-Corruption Academy (5)
International Committee of the Red Cross (5)
International Labour Organization (ILO) (5)
International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) (5)
International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation (5)
International Scientific and Technological Conference on Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (1973 : Paris) (5)
Isbell, H (5)
Italy. Ministry of Health. Drug Abuse and AIDs Department (5)
Japan (5)
Japan. National Police Agency (NPA) (5)
Japp, M (5)
Kelly, Robert J (5)
Kleber, H.D (5)
Krasnegor, Norman A (5)
Legault, D (5)
Lennox, Thomas (5)
Lerner, M (5)
Leukefeld, Carl G (5)
Levi, L (5)
Levie, Howard S (5)
Mather, L.E (5)
Mathias, R (5)
Mothes, K (5)
Nahas, G.G (5)
National Geographic Society (U.S.) (5)
National Institute on Drug Abuse. Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research (5)
Nevala, Sami (5)
Noirfalise, A (5)
Police Executive Research Forum (5)
Redo, Sławomir M (5)
République du Bénin (5)
Scherpenzeel, Richard (5)
Smith, R.N (5)
Szendrei, K (5)
Thailand. Chulalongkorn University. Institute of Health Research (IHR) (5)
Tims, Frank M (5)
UN. Commission on Narcotic Drugs (9th special sess. : 1986) (5)
UN. General Assembly (47th sess. : 1993 : new York) (5)
United Kingdom. Home Office (5)
United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control (UNFDAC) (5)
United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner (5)
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) (5)
United States. The National Narcotics Intelligence Consumers Committee (NNICC) (5)
Verebey, K (5)
WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence (1969 : Geneva) (5)
Adobe Systems (4)
Aiken, Leona S (4)
Alexander, Yonah (4)
Alston, Philip (4)
American Bar Association (4)
Asuni, T (4)
Atkins, Beryl T (4)
Ausetts, Mary Ann (4)
Australia. Commonwealth Department of Health. Drugs of Depandence Branch (4)
Ball, J.C (4)
Battjes, Robert (4)
Bingzhi, Zhao (4)
Block, Alan A (4)
Brenneisen, R (4)
Bucknell, P (4)
Bukoski, William J (4)
Bukoski, W.J (4)
Canada. Addiction Research Foundation (4)
Canada. Addiction Research Foundation (ARF) (4)
Casy, A.F (4)
Chan, K (4)
Chiang, C. Nora (4)
Christophersen, A.S (4)
Clayton, R.R (4)
Cohen, S (4)
Colombia (4)
Cooper, D.A (4)
Council of Europe. Cooperation Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs (Pompidou Group) (4)
Curran, W.J (4)
Curry, A.S (4)
Das, Dilip K (4)
Davies, J.B (4)
DESA (4)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (4)
Djipa, Dino (4)
Dorn, Nicholas (4)
Drucker, E (4)
Duyne, Petrus C. van (4)
Erickson, P.G (4)
Espe, E (4)
European Communities (4)
European Space Agency (4)
Fazey, C (4)
Ferguson, Patricia (4)
Fijnaut, Cyrille (4)
Fischer, R (4)
Fortney, Jeff (4)
France (4)
Franke, J.P (4)
Friedlander, Robert A (4)
Frischer, M (4)
Gielsdorf, W (4)
Ginguay, Michel (4)
Glenny, Misha (4)
Gorecki, P (4)
Grabosky, Peter N (4)
أظهر المزيد
2024 (10)
2023 (31)
2022 (75)
2021 (62)
2020 (33)
2019 (48)
2018 (58)
2017 (108)
2016 (110)
2015 (225)
2014 (158)
2013 (175)
2012 (181)
2011 (220)
2010 (235)
2009 (283)
2008 (274)
2007 (280)
2006 (251)
2005 (226)
2004 (217)
2003 (241)
2002 (183)
2001 (150)
2000 (158)
1999 (173)
1998 (310)
1997 (313)
1996 (337)
1995 (363)
1994 (296)
1993 (332)
1992 (330)
1991 (288)
1990 (413)
1989 (348)
1988 (372)
1987 (439)
1986 (339)
1985 (326)
1984 (267)
1983 (265)
1982 (243)
1981 (265)
1980 (280)
1979 (215)
1978 (231)
1977 (176)
1976 (178)
1975 (156)
1974 (124)
1973 (118)
1972 (101)
1971 (62)
1970 (68)
1969 (70)
1968 (49)
1967 (42)
1966 (24)
1965 (27)
1964 (28)
1963 (28)
1962 (36)
1961 (28)
1960 (25)
1959 (21)
1958 (32)
1957 (24)
1956 (17)
1955 (21)
1954 (18)
1953 (24)
1952 (9)
1951 (17)
1950 (9)
1949 (6)
1948 (7)
1947 (11)
1946 (8)
1945 (1)
1943 (2)
1942 (2)
1941 (3)
1940 (4)
1939 (7)
1938 (4)
1937 (2)
1936 (1)
1935 (3)
1934 (1)
1933 (1)
1932 (1)
1931 (4)
1930 (2)
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أظهر المزيد
UNLV General Collection
تم العثور على
1 - 10
استغرق البحث 0.19 ثانية
Children’s Rights and Criminal Justice in the Digital Age / Wendy O'Brien.
O'Brien, Wendy
Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan Cham , 2024.
General 343.1‑053.2/004.031.4 O275 2024
سجل مفصل
سجلات مشابهة
Digital Rehabilitation in Prisons / UNICRI.
Victoria Knight.
Stuart Ross.
United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute.
United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders.
United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute, 2024.
سجل مفصل
سجلات مشابهة
Zemiology and human trafficking / Avi Boukli.
Boukli, Avi Paraskevi
Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2024.
سجل مفصل
سجلات مشابهة
Economic crime : from conception to response / Mark Button, Branislav Hock and David Shepherd.
Button, Mark
Hock, Branislav
Shepherd, David
Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2022.
General 343.973 E266 2022
سجل مفصل
سجلات مشابهة
Toolkit on mainstreaming gender and human rights : in the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime /[...]
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, UNODC Research.
Vienna, Austria : United Nations , 2023.
UNODC 323.28:347.156 2023
سجل مفصل
سجلات مشابهة
Translation services - evaluation of translation output - general guidance (ISO 5060:2024) : Services de traduction - évaluation des résultats de[...]
International Organization for Standardization.
Vernier, Geneva : ISO copyright office , 2024.
General 006.35(100)ISO:347.78.034 2024
سجل مفصل
سجلات مشابهة
Forensic Evidence Processing in Gender-Based Violence Cases : Handbook for Criminal Justice Practitioners / UNODC.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Regional Office for Southern Africa.
Austrian Development Agency.
Vienna, Austria : United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2024.
UNODC 343.98::364.632‑055 F674
سجل مفصل
سجلات مشابهة
Global Analysis on Crimes that Affect the Environment : Part 1: the Landscape of Criminalization / UNODC.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Vienna, Austria : United Nations, 2024.
UNODC Publication (online)
سجل مفصل
سجلات مشابهة
Human rights and the draft Cybercrime Convention : information note / Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Geneva, Switzerland : Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, 23 May 2024.
سجل مفصل
سجلات مشابهة
Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2020 / United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Vienna : United Nations, 2020.
General 339.194:343.431 [2020]|REF 339.194:343.431 [2020]
سجل مفصل
سجلات مشابهة
UNLV General Collection : تم العثور على
1 - 10
هل أنت مهتم بأن يتم إخطارك حول النتائج الجديدة لهذا الاستعلام؟
تنبيه عبر بريدك الإلكتروني
أو الاشتراك في خدمة