Modernizing international trade law to support innovation and sustainable development : proceedings of the Congress of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, Vienna, 4-6 July 2017, Vol. 4: papers presented at the Congress United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
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Modernizing international trade law to support innovation and sustainable development : proceedings of the Congress of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, Vienna, 4-6 July 2017, Vol. 4: papers presented at the Congress United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
Vienna : United Nations, 2017
393 p.
Запись форматированного содержания
Contents: Session 1. Qualitative and quantitative benefits in the use of Model Laws. The impact of UNCITRAL on foreign direct investment / A. Myburgh, J. Paniagua
Model Laws as instruments for harmonization and modernization / R. Wolff
Harmonization of national legislation through Model Laws: from UNCITRAL to the League of Arab States and the Gulf Cooperation Council / M.Y. Mattar
Session 2. Opportunities and challenges in the use of UNCITRAL models. International insolvency law's cross-roads and the new modularity / J. Pottow
Investment law and climate disputes: the role of the UNCITRAL in powering sustainable development / F. Dias Simões
The reduction of the legal obstacles faced by MSMEs in the footsteps of the previous attempts at harmonizing company law: will UNCITRAL reinvent the role of harmonization in company law? / C. Malberti
Problems on harmonization and unification of international commercial law / A.T. de Abreu Coutinho Boscolo
Session 4. Integrated systems to support cross-border trade. Towards a 'digital fitnes check' for existing legal instruments / C.C. Wendehorst
Ownership of data and the numerus clausus of legal objects / S. van Erp
Implications of the blockchain technology for the UNCITRAL works / K. Takahashi
Lost and found in smart contract translation - considerations in transitioning to automation in legal architecture / S. Farrell, H. Machin, R. Hinchliffe
A digital revolution in International trade? The international legal framework for blockchain technologies, virtual currencies and smart contracts: challenges and opportunities / R. de Caria
Cross-border smart contracts: boosting international digital trade through trust and adequate remedies / S. Hourani
Information management in international trade: role of UNCITRAL in advancing international single window environment / T. Rajput
Logistics contracts: outdated international regulation? / E.T. Condoluci Santa Maria
Rules for electronic platforms: the role of platforms and intermediaries in digital economy - a case for harmonization / T. Rodríguez-de-las-Heras Ballell
Session 5. The credit economy. Can UNCITRAL instruments advance supply chain finance to benefit small and medium enterprises? / A. Basu Bal
Coordinating secured transactions law and capital requirements / G.G. Castellano, M. Dubovec
A review of security rights over movable property in Namibia / H.T.N. Shikongo
Session 6. Exit strategies and efficient and effective insolvency regimes. A Model-Law approach to sovereign debt restructuring / S.L. Schwarcz
Panel Session for UNCITRAL Congress - a global architecture for resolution of financial institutions. A global framework for resolution of financial institutions / I. Mevorach
Adequate assurance of future performance: learning from (and harmonizing) banking and insolvency Resolution / J. Pottow
Bank and SIFI resolution in the US domestic obstacles to international recognition: a unique role for UNCITRAL / E.J. Janger
European Bank Resolution and insolvency priorities / I. Tirado
Making global bail-in work - a UK perspective / R. Mokal
Micro, small and medium enterprise insolvency in Africa: a comparative study / A. Menezes, A. Martinez
Proposal to UNCITRAL on arbitration & international insolvency / J. Peck, S. Bufford
Conflict and consistency in cross border insolvency judgments / R. Mason, J. Martin
Cross-border insolvency and its threat to international trade: proposal for a comprehensive UNCITRAL solution / M. Ooi
Reflexiones sobre la unificación de las normas de derecho internacional privado aplicables a los procedimientos de insolvencia transfronteriza / A.M. Ballesteros Barros
The certainty of choice of law rules in the uncertain world of international bank insolvency / C. Teo
Session 7. Reform of investor-state dispute settlement. The paradox of international investment law: trivializing the development objective underlying international investment agreements in investor-State dispute settlement / D.N. Dagbanja
UNCITRAL and the possibility of returning to the multilateral regulation of foreign investments / M.A. Gwynn
Session 8. International framework on arbitration: where are the needs? Opening Oceania: reforming international arbitration regimes across the Pacific Islands / C. Ballantine
Renegotiation of Indian bilateral investment treaties: an analysis from a development perspective / R. Joan
Session 9. New frontiers in dispute settlement. Bilateral arbitration treaties: an improved means of international dispute resolution / G. Born, P. Butler
Session 11. Implementing the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. How ‘international’ is international commercial law? Key findings of UK research / M. Wallace
How do you mean it, CISG? Applying the CISG more “21st Century”-way / J. Glavanits
The adoption of the CISG in Iran: practical difficulties in implementing the CISG / M. Ahadi
Towards the implementation of international civil and commercial law: a call for Qatar to join the CISG / A. Abdullah
Session 12. Approaches to keeping UNCITRAL texts up to date. Small and medium sized enterprises and public procurement regulation: the division of public contracts into lots / M. Trybus
Dutch PPP tendering infrastructure into the equation / M. van Valkenburg, M. Nagelkerke.
Model Laws as instruments for harmonization and modernization / R. Wolff
Harmonization of national legislation through Model Laws: from UNCITRAL to the League of Arab States and the Gulf Cooperation Council / M.Y. Mattar
Session 2. Opportunities and challenges in the use of UNCITRAL models. International insolvency law's cross-roads and the new modularity / J. Pottow
Investment law and climate disputes: the role of the UNCITRAL in powering sustainable development / F. Dias Simões
The reduction of the legal obstacles faced by MSMEs in the footsteps of the previous attempts at harmonizing company law: will UNCITRAL reinvent the role of harmonization in company law? / C. Malberti
Problems on harmonization and unification of international commercial law / A.T. de Abreu Coutinho Boscolo
Session 4. Integrated systems to support cross-border trade. Towards a 'digital fitnes check' for existing legal instruments / C.C. Wendehorst
Ownership of data and the numerus clausus of legal objects / S. van Erp
Implications of the blockchain technology for the UNCITRAL works / K. Takahashi
Lost and found in smart contract translation - considerations in transitioning to automation in legal architecture / S. Farrell, H. Machin, R. Hinchliffe
A digital revolution in International trade? The international legal framework for blockchain technologies, virtual currencies and smart contracts: challenges and opportunities / R. de Caria
Cross-border smart contracts: boosting international digital trade through trust and adequate remedies / S. Hourani
Information management in international trade: role of UNCITRAL in advancing international single window environment / T. Rajput
Logistics contracts: outdated international regulation? / E.T. Condoluci Santa Maria
Rules for electronic platforms: the role of platforms and intermediaries in digital economy - a case for harmonization / T. Rodríguez-de-las-Heras Ballell
Session 5. The credit economy. Can UNCITRAL instruments advance supply chain finance to benefit small and medium enterprises? / A. Basu Bal
Coordinating secured transactions law and capital requirements / G.G. Castellano, M. Dubovec
A review of security rights over movable property in Namibia / H.T.N. Shikongo
Session 6. Exit strategies and efficient and effective insolvency regimes. A Model-Law approach to sovereign debt restructuring / S.L. Schwarcz
Panel Session for UNCITRAL Congress - a global architecture for resolution of financial institutions. A global framework for resolution of financial institutions / I. Mevorach
Adequate assurance of future performance: learning from (and harmonizing) banking and insolvency Resolution / J. Pottow
Bank and SIFI resolution in the US domestic obstacles to international recognition: a unique role for UNCITRAL / E.J. Janger
European Bank Resolution and insolvency priorities / I. Tirado
Making global bail-in work - a UK perspective / R. Mokal
Micro, small and medium enterprise insolvency in Africa: a comparative study / A. Menezes, A. Martinez
Proposal to UNCITRAL on arbitration & international insolvency / J. Peck, S. Bufford
Conflict and consistency in cross border insolvency judgments / R. Mason, J. Martin
Cross-border insolvency and its threat to international trade: proposal for a comprehensive UNCITRAL solution / M. Ooi
Reflexiones sobre la unificación de las normas de derecho internacional privado aplicables a los procedimientos de insolvencia transfronteriza / A.M. Ballesteros Barros
The certainty of choice of law rules in the uncertain world of international bank insolvency / C. Teo
Session 7. Reform of investor-state dispute settlement. The paradox of international investment law: trivializing the development objective underlying international investment agreements in investor-State dispute settlement / D.N. Dagbanja
UNCITRAL and the possibility of returning to the multilateral regulation of foreign investments / M.A. Gwynn
Session 8. International framework on arbitration: where are the needs? Opening Oceania: reforming international arbitration regimes across the Pacific Islands / C. Ballantine
Renegotiation of Indian bilateral investment treaties: an analysis from a development perspective / R. Joan
Session 9. New frontiers in dispute settlement. Bilateral arbitration treaties: an improved means of international dispute resolution / G. Born, P. Butler
Session 11. Implementing the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. How ‘international’ is international commercial law? Key findings of UK research / M. Wallace
How do you mean it, CISG? Applying the CISG more “21st Century”-way / J. Glavanits
The adoption of the CISG in Iran: practical difficulties in implementing the CISG / M. Ahadi
Towards the implementation of international civil and commercial law: a call for Qatar to join the CISG / A. Abdullah
Session 12. Approaches to keeping UNCITRAL texts up to date. Small and medium sized enterprises and public procurement regulation: the division of public contracts into lots / M. Trybus
Dutch PPP tendering infrastructure into the equation / M. van Valkenburg, M. Nagelkerke.
Индекс в
Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL, 52nd Session, 2019, Vienna.
Included in general UNCITRAL bibliography.
Included in general UNCITRAL bibliography.
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